Near Death Experience & The Afterlife

What does the Bible say about near-death experiences? A near-death experience (NDE) occurs when a person is on the brink of death and, upon recovery, recounts extraordinary events—often including out-of-body experiences or visions of heaven or hell. The Bible, however, offers no specific scriptural support for near-death experiences. That being said, it is not impossible for God to grant a vision of heaven to someone near death, or to anyone else. Yet, with the completion of the biblical canon, such visions are not considered a normative experience for Christians. In an age where Materialism and Darwinism dominate societal thinking, these remarkable testimonies and evidence of NDEs provide powerful proof that there is indeed life after death.

Exposing Darwinism, Eugenics, & Marxism

This section explores the harmful ideologies of Darwinism, Eugenics, and Marxism which have significantly shaped modern society and history. We will trace the origins of these ideologies, uncovering their philosophical and scientific foundations, and examine how they have been used to justify racism, child-killing, sterilization, selective breeding, abortion, and mass atrocities. By understanding how these beliefs influenced societal values, we aim to reveal their enduring effects on individuals and cultures. These ideologies, particularly in public education, have led many to embrace an atheistic worldview, convincing students that life is merely the result of accidental evolution, reducing human beings to nothing more than flesh and bones. This denial of any spiritual dimension or afterlife has even led believers to question the truth, embracing a materialistic outlook that ignores the deeper purpose and meaning of existence.


Darwinism asserts that all species evolve through natural selection, driven by small, inherited variations that enhance an individual's ability to compete, survive, and reproduce. Initially, it included the concept of species transmutation, gaining widespread acceptance after Charles Darwin’s publication of On the Origin of Species in 1859. The term encompasses various evolutionary philosophies, both biological and societal, with Herbert Spencer’s phrase "survival of the fittest" becoming emblematic of Darwinism. Some interpretations extend into social theories, such as Social Darwinism and eugenics. Darwinism emphasizes natural selection as the key mechanism of evolution, distinguishing it from other theories like Lamarckism and modern genetics. It also promotes scientific naturalism, often in opposition to ideas of Divine design. However, Darwin is not unique; he is a by-product of earlier ideas. The flaws and irrationality of this ideology are explored in the videos below, highlighting not only its scientific shortcomings but also its profound spiritual influence. While it is spread as a scientific ideology, it functions more like a religion and political propaganda, requiring more faith to believe in than a literal creation as described in Genesis Chapter 1. This spiritual influence has led many to reject the belief in a Creator, replacing it with a worldview centered on materialism. In the Archeological Evidence & Facts Section, we will further examine why the concept of millions of years is not only scientifically unsound but also impossible. I would also encourage you to read the book titled 'Darwin's Great Gaffe Further Proof of a Global Flood by Richie Cooley'. You can get it for free on Google Play Books.


Eugenics is a set of beliefs and practices aimed at improving the genetic quality of a human population, formulated by Francis Galton in 1883. Galton defined eugenics as "the study of all agencies under human control which can improve or impair the racial quality of future generations," believing that desirable human traits were hereditary. Central to eugenics is the idea that certain individuals or groups are "superior" or "fit," while others are "inferior" or "unfit," leading to practices like promoting reproduction among those deemed genetically advantageous (positive eugenics) and inhibiting fertility among those deemed unfit (negative eugenics). These ideas significantly influenced Adolf Hitler, who incorporated them into the racial policies of Nazi Germany. Hitler praised eugenic principles in Mein Kampf and modeled some Nazi policies, such as the sterilization of "defectives," on American eugenic legislation. The Nazi regime's extreme application of eugenics led to discrimination, segregation, and the systematic extermination of those labeled as unfit, contributing to the collapse of eugenics' scientific credibility after World War II. The videos below explore the foundation of eugenics, with Richard Weikart in the fourth video explaining the revolutionary impact of Darwinism on ethics and morality. Darwinism played a crucial role not only in the rise of eugenics, which sought to control human reproduction to "improve" the species, but also in the justification of euthanasia, infanticide, abortion, and racial extermination.


Marxism views religion, particularly Christianity and Judaism, as a social construct serving the interests of the ruling class, offering temporary solace from oppression while ultimately preventing social change. Marx famously described religion as the "opium of the people," arguing it promotes acceptance of suffering, legitimizes the status quo, and discourages revolutionary action. His critique of Christianity focused on its emphasis on the afterlife, which he claimed pacifies the working class by encouraging them to accept their circumstances and hope for redemption beyond this life, detracting from the fight for social justice. In his essay On the Jewish Question, Marx connected Jewish identity with capitalism, although his primary focus was economic systems, leading to accusations of anti-Semitism. Marxism advocates for secularism, viewing religion as a barrier to true liberation, with the ultimate goal of creating a society that prioritizes human needs over religious beliefs. Historical materialism is used to analyze how religion arises from and interacts with material conditions, either challenging or maintaining the status quo. Beyond critiquing religion, Marxism discusses worker alienation under capitalism and argues that capitalism is unsustainable, leading to the need for a proletarian revolution, followed by socialism and, eventually, a classless, communist society based on common ownership and production for use rather than profit. The videos below expose Karl Marx's origins and highlight his failings as a father, as well as the negative impact of his ideology. Marxism, particularly popular in public schools, is spread through ideological subversion and promoted through thousands of Marxist books in libraries worldwide, taught by leftist professors and student activists. This ideology corrupts the minds of the innocent, encouraging abortion, the sexualization of children through the LGBT and the feminist movement, and the demoralization of traditional family values. History shows that communism never works—it always leads to a paranoid state, a police state, or a totalitarian regime. I highly recommend you check this book out 'The Devil and Karl Marx: Communism's Long March of Death, Deception, and Infiltration by Paul Kengor'.

Dark Roots of Psychology

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I cannot stress this enough: it is crucial to understand the roots and authors of the heresies that plague many of our institutions and churches today—heresies that openly reject the authority of God and His Word.

The Foundations of Humanistic Psychology

Humanistic psychology is grounded in the belief that sin, the devil, and even God are mere illusions. According to this worldview, spiritual struggles are non-existent, and every issue is reduced to a natural phenomenon devoid of moral or spiritual dimensions.

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The Troubling Legacy of Sigmund Freud

The so-called "father of psychology," Sigmund Freud, lived a life riddled with controversy and depravity. A known cocaine addict, Freud’s excessive drug use led to such severe damage that he required surgical repair for his nose. His theories were heavily influenced by his personal vices, including his own sexual perversions. For example, his infamous "Oedipus Complex" claimed that children harbor sexual desires for their opposite-sex parent—boys lusting after their mothers and girls yearning for their fathers. Such ideas disturbingly normalized immoral behavior, including pedophilia.

Freud’s disdain for religion was equally troubling. He viewed Christianity as a form of mental illness, reducing faith to mere neurosis. In his own words, he declared:

“I regard myself as one of the most dangerous enemies of religion and of God. I stand in no awe whatever of the Almighty. If we were ever to meet, I should have more reproaches to make to Him than He could make to me.”

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Carl Jung: A Darker Influence

Another influential figure in modern psychology is Carl Jung, a protégé of Freud and founder of Analytical Psychology. Jung’s upbringing was steeped in spiritual darkness. His mother, afflicted by mental illness and believed to be tormented by demonic spirits, often behaved erratically. Jung himself engaged in occult practices from a young age, claiming to communicate with the spirit of his deceased grandfather during necromantic rituals. Later in life, Jung admitted to being guided by a spirit he called “Philemon,” whom he identified as a demon.

Jung’s spiritualist background was no anomaly—his family history included involvement in Freemasonry and other occult practices. These influences shaped his psychological theories, which are far removed from the truth of God’s Word.

The Root of Modern Psychology

Modern psychology can trace its origins back to two deeply troubling figures: Sigmund Freud, an avowed atheist, sexual deviant, and drug addict, and Carl Jung, a practitioner of the occult who openly interacted with demonic entities. It is clear that this field is not grounded in God’s truth but rather in philosophies and practices contrary to His will.

God’s Guidance on Counsel

The Bible provides clear direction on where we should seek wisdom and counsel:

“Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in his law doth he meditate day and night. And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper. The ungodly are not so: but are like the chaff which the wind driveth away. Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous. For the Lord knoweth the way of the righteous: but the way of the ungodly shall perish.” (Psalm 1:1-6)

As believers, we must reject ungodly counsel and instead anchor ourselves in the Word of God. True wisdom comes from Him alone, not from the corrupted philosophies of men who deny His existence and authority.

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Greatest Trick of the Devil

Marxism, Eugenics, and Darwinism have significantly influenced atheistic thought by promoting materialism, secular ethics (Colossians 2:8//1 John 2:15-17), and a rejection of the supernatural, particularly biblical teachings. Marxism dismisses religious explanations, seeing them as distractions from social justice and advocating for human-centered ethics instead of divine commandments. Eugenics, shaped by Darwinian concepts, rejects notions like the soul, focusing on genetic traits to define human worth, with atheists addressing its ethical challenges through rational frameworks. Darwinism, emphasizing evolution and naturalism, leads to the rejection of biblical creation and supernatural explanations, promoting rationality and scientific inquiry. Together, these ideologies contribute to a worldview that values human agency, reason, and skepticism of religious beliefs, particularly those found in the Bible.

Sebastian Junger`s Near Death Experience After an Aneurysm


NDE Experience

10 Sessions

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Sebastian Junger`s Near Death Experience After an Aneurysm


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After Death 2023
