In Matthew 24:42, Jesus Christ says, “Watch therefore, for you do not know what hour your Lord is coming.” He repeats this statement again in Matthew 25:13. What did He mean by this, and what exactly should we be watching for?
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Stay informed with the latest updates and insights from The Watchman. End Time News And Bible Prophecy Pointing To Jesus Return.
Are we living in the end times? This channel will examine world events in light of Bible prophecy and equip the believer with knowledge to discern the times we are living in. Join some of our very own TBN hosts including Jonathan Cahn, Erick Stakelbeck, Yair Pinto, Mati Shoshani, Joel Rosenberg, Shawn Bolz, and more as they analyze world events, prophetic updates, and revelations from God’s Word.
Stay up to date with the latest prophetic teachings and insights from Dr. John Barnett. As a Seminary Professor of Theology, Church History and the English Bible, John’s messages reflect the background of the Scripture from the ancient biblical world, the history of the church and the daily life in far corners of the planet.
7 Sessions
Israel's declaration of independence, proclaiming the State of Israel, was delivered on May 14, 1948. It came just under the wire. One day before the expiration of the British Mandate, which formalized British administration of territory conceded by the Ottoman Empire in a peace treaty ending World War I. God declared this day would come. The word that came to Jeremiah from the Lord, saying "Thus speaks the Lord God of Israel, saying...'For behold, the days are coming,' says the Lord, 'that I will bring back from captivity My people Israel and Judah,'says the Lord.'And I will cause them to return to the land that I gave to their fathers, and they shall possess it."
The phrase one-world government is not in the Bible; however, it does allude to a single-world government existing under the rule of the Antichrist in the last days. Get this. In 1998, an airline alliance was founded that's called Oneworld. 14 airlines are in the alliance reaching around the world.
The Catholic-Muslim Interfaith Council created by Pope Francis announced a new "Chrislam" Headquarters will open 2022 in the United Arab Emirates to combine a mosque and a church according to the signed covenant. There have even been ads in the media promoting "One-World Religion Headquarters to Open in 2022."
This is a significant prophetic signpost because Scriptures make it clear that just before Jesus return, the Third Temple of God will stand again on the original location. Orthodox Jewish efforts to rebuild the Temple are underway now on many fronts.
In the late 1970s, China instituted a one-child policy that resulted in 30 million more men and the biggest gender imbalance in the world. This created an entire population of young men from 15 to 30 years old with very few girls to date. No wonder they're ready for war and available for military service. By 2021, China upped the quota to a three-child policy, but the imbalance already exists. This Chinese policy lines right up with Bible prophecy that says China will move down on Israel with a strong and ample army that appears to be ramping up even now.
The Dead Sea is coming to life fulfilling end-of-days prophecies from Ezekiel who said the land would flourish and bloom when the Jews return. He said the water would flow east from Jerusalem into the Dead Sea, filling it up with fish. Scientists are shocked to witness signs of life even now from the Dead Sea, which is more than 400 meters below sea level and the lowest place on earth. Sinkholes appearing around the sea are quickly filling up with fish and other forms of life previously unseen there. One expert said the existence of fish in the Dead Sea is a reality that contradicts the laws of nature, and yet it is witnessed by science and explained by Bible Prophecy.
The acceleration of missiles from Iran and connected with Turkey is showing their very public thoughts and verbiage about annihilating Israel. Threats are increasingly blatant and not at all vieled these days. They've said they want to annihilate Israel even calling it the "rabid dog of the Middle East." If we got into everything Iran is doing right now to try take down Israel. It would boggle your mind. We must watch Turkey as well. They are doing some unusual things to become a platform for the Antichrist.
The Second Coming cannot occur until the third Temple is constructed in Jerusalem and a red heifer is born in Israel. The red heifer is specified by the Bible as required for Jewish purification rituals and temple sacrifice during the Tribulation. In 2018, the first red heifer in 2,000 years was born in Israel. The Temple Institute in Jerusalem announced the calf's birth on Youtube. Again, in 2019, another red heifer was born in Israel that also appears to meet the qualifications. For many years, red heifers had been born in other countries, but the Bible specified that the red heifer had to be born in Israel and be without blemish. The requirements are very stringent and even require that the red heifer can have no more than two black hairs on its entire body.
Few people have not heard of the mark of the beast, an end-times symbol of loyalty to the Antichrist whereby no world citizen without it will be able to buy or sell. But most people don't realize that now for the first time in history the technology is available to implant this kind of identification in humans. Today, via the RFID, a microchip can be inserted in a human body with information such as a person's medical history. Readers have one or more antenna that emits radio waves and receives signals back from tags in the vicinity, according to the FDA. The tags can contain information up to several pages of data. This process has been used in dogs for some time, but some sources indicate this biometric system will be implanted in all humans by 2025.
The Bible prophecies that certain events will be seen by all peoples during three and a half days. For example, the apostle John says the two witnesses will be seen by the whole world. That was not even remotely possible in John's day when new traveled by horseback or mule. In fact, it was laughable 1500, 100, or even 50 years ago. Yet today, nearly all of us can pull out a smartphone and see news anywhere along with the rest of the world. Today's technology is ready for the whole world to see the two witnesses live in real-time and on repeat from the comfort of personal devices. It's not even a challenge!
Never before in history has mankind lived at a time when basically all human life could be destroyed by humans. Yet today, with nuclear, biological, and chemical weaponry, it's no longer impossible. Jesus said of the Great Tribulation that no one would make it through that, but it would be shortened for the elect's sake (Matt. 24:21-22). Thank God, we don't have to be here for that!
Daniel had a vision about the end times where God spoke to him, saying, "But you, Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book until the time of the end; many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase" (Dan. 12:4). Notice how a few other Bible versions translate "many shall run to and fro." When God spoke to Daniel, express travel of the day was a donkey. Today it's a jet. Think about it!
In today's society, we increasingly see the rise of narcissism, materialism, and self-obsession, as people become lovers of themselves and wealth. Social media platforms amplify these traits, offering spaces where individuals showcase curated versions of their lives, driven by the pursuit of likes, validation, and fame. The desire for attention often leads to boastful and proud behavior, where external success and material wealth are celebrated over deeper values. This digital culture fosters disobedience and ungratefulness, as the quest for instant gratification overshadows respect for family, tradition, and spirituality, pushing society further from humility and holiness.
Revelation 9:21 says, "Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts. "The Greek word translated sorceries is pharmakeia, which also refers to drug use. There's no question drug use has risen sharply during our generation. Around 275 million people used drugs worldwide in 2020 to 2021 - a time of unprecedented upheaval caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. This number was up by 22 percent from 2010. Overdose of prescription opioids and heroin also remain high and are increasingly contaminated with illicit fentanyl. In addition, the number of drug overdose deaths has quadrupled since 1999.
The violence in Noah's day could not have been worse. "As far as God was concerned, the Earth had become a sewer, there was violence everywhere. God took one look and saw how bad it was, everyone corrupt and corrupting - life itself corrupt to the core. God said to Noah, 'It's all over. It's the end of the human race. The violence is everywhere; I'm making a clean sweep" (Gen 6:11-13). Today, exponential violence around the world mirrors the days of Noah, As mentioned in Chapter 2, we could not have a more exact replica. Corruption and violence are blatant and aggressive just about everywhere and even spilling in the streets.
Jesus foretold of fearful sights in Luke 21:11. The Greek word for fearful is phobetron, which can be translated terror. That means some 2000 years ago Jesus warned us of an uptick in terrorism. Up until the 1970s, as a society we heard very little about international terrorism and next to nothing about domestic terrorism. From 9-11 forward, terrorist activities are almost daily in the news somewhere. In fact, the Global Terrorism Database documents more than 200,00 international and domestic attacks have occurred worldwide since 1970. Without question, terrorism is steadily on the rise.
The battle of Armageddon is drawing near. Twice in 2016, ISIS tried to dam up the Euphrates, and they continue doing this to keep water from Bagdad This is startling sign because Revaltion 16:12 prophesies that the dried-up Euphrates will prepare the way for the "kings of the East" to cross into Israel and attack. So much has been prophesied about what will take place in this little piece of real estate. Even Napoleon Bonaparte, celebrated and controversial 19th century French military leader of the French Revolution, said Megiddo is the "perfect battlefield". He also said, "Megiddo will be the greatest site for the greatest battle ever." He didn`t even know he was talking about the Battle of Armageddon.
In 2021, everywhere America pulled out, Russia filled in Why is that a big deal prophetically? There are nine bases in Syria that are on Israel`s doorstep. Blatantly, Russia is creating a pathway to Israel. Connect the dots in Ezekiel 38, and it`s easy to see that Russia`s takeover of Israel is more imminent all the time.